IBM has built a computer chip called the Neurosynaptic System. It contains 5.4 billion transistors and uses just 70 milliwatts of power (1/10,000th the power of most microprocessors)
- With a total of 5.4 billion transistors the computer chip, named TrueNorth, is one of the largest CMOS chips ever built.- IBM envisions its new chips working together with traditional computing devices as hybrid machine providing an added dose of brain-like intelligence for smart car sensors, cloud computing applications or mobile devices such as smartphones.
- Yet the chip uses just 70 milliwatts while running and has a power density of 20 milliwatts per square centimeter— almost 1/10,000th the power of most modern microprocessors. That brings the new chip's efficiency much closer to the human brain’s astounding power consumption of just 20 watts, or less than the average incandescent light bulb.
For more details, refer this link:
IBM's Brain Inspired Chip